What Percentage Does Fiverr Take: Uncovering The Fees And Costs

What Percentage Does Fiverr Take

The pricing structure must be understood if you’re thinking about hiring qualified people through Fiverr or doing freelance work. Whether you’re a seller offering your services or a buyer looking for talent, one question that frequently comes up is, “What percentage does Fiverr take?” This blog aims to shed light on Fiverr’s fee structure, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how it can affect your earnings as a freelancer or the overall cost of your project as a buyer.

Understanding the fee structure can significantly impact your experience on Fiverr. It can help you make informed decisions about pricing your services as a seller or budgeting for a project as a buyer. This knowledge can also help you optimize your use of this popular freelancing platform. So, stay tuned as we delve into the details of Fiverr’s fee structure, helping you navigate your way to success on the platform. Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or a business looking to outsource tasks, this information is crucial for maximizing your benefits on Fiverr.

What Percentage Does Fiverr Take?

Fiverr typically takes a 20% service fee from the earnings of freelancers for each completed order. Additionally, a 2% processing fee is applied to the total order value, with a minimum charge of $1. It’s important to keep in mind that these fees are deducted before you receive your earnings as a freelancer on the platform. So, if you earn $100 from a Fiverr order, Fiverr will deduct $20 as a service fee and $2 as a processing fee (assuming the minimum charge applies), leaving you with $78 as your net earnings. This fee structure is essential to consider when pricing your services on Fiverr and managing your income effectively on the platform.

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Understanding Fiverr’s Fee Structure

Before we get into the specifics of what percentage Fiverr takes from your earnings, it’s important to grasp the overall fee structure. Fiverr charges fees to both sellers (freelancers) and buyers, but in this article, we’ll focus primarily on the fees that concern freelancers.

Service Fee: When you complete an order on Fiverr, the platform takes a service fee from your earnings. This fee is set at 20% of the total order value. So, if you offer a service for $100, Fiverr will deduct $20 as its service fee.

Processing Fee: On top of the service fee, Fiverr also charges a processing fee for the financial transaction. This fee amounts to 2% of the total order value, with a minimum charge of $1. This means that for smaller orders, the processing fee might be higher than 2%, but it won’t exceed $1.

Withdrawal Fees: When you want to transfer your earnings from Fiverr to your bank account or another payment method, you may incur additional fees, depending on the withdrawal method you choose. Common withdrawal methods include PayPal, direct bank transfer, and Fiverr Revenue Card.

Now, let’s break down these fees further to understand how they affect your earnings.

Calculating The Fiverr Fees In Detail

Suppose you’re a talented graphic designer, and you’ve completed a project for a client on Fiverr with a total order value of $100. Now, let’s break down the fees you’ll encounter step by step:

  1. Service Fee: Fiverr’s service fee is a significant aspect of its revenue model. It amounts to 20% of the total order value. So, for your $100 project, Fiverr deducts $20 as the service fee. This fee represents Fiverr’s share of facilitating the platform and connecting you with potential clients.
  1. Processing Fee: In addition to the service fee, there’s a processing fee for handling the financial transaction. This fee is calculated at 2% of the total order value, with a minimum charge of $1. In your case, as the total order value is $100, the processing fee is indeed $2, which meets the minimum charge requirement.
  1. Total Fees Deducted: When you add up the service fee of $20 and the processing fee of $2, the total fees Fiverr deducts from your earnings amount to $22. This $22 represents the cost of using Fiverr’s platform to connect with clients and receive payments securely.
  1. Your Net Earnings: After Fiverr has taken its fees, you’ll be left with $78 as your net earnings from this $100 project. This is the amount you’ll receive in your Fiverr account, and it’s essential to keep this figure in mind when setting your prices as a freelancer. Understanding these fees allows you to determine competitive pricing while ensuring you meet your financial goals. Fiverr charges a significant portion of your earnings, but it connects you with a vast client base and offers tools to grow your freelance business, allowing you to thrive.

Earning More On Fiverr: Tips And Strategies

Now that you know what percentage Fiverr takes from your earnings, let’s explore some tips and strategies to maximize your income on the platform:

  • Price Your Services Strategically: Consider Fiverr’s fees when setting your prices. You need to account for these fees while ensuring your rates remain competitive. Upsell Your Services: Offer add-ons and extras to your gigs to increase your average order value. This can help offset the fees Fiverr charges.
  • Build A Strong Portfolio: High-quality work and positive reviews will help you stand out and attract more clients. Happy clients are more likely to place repeat orders and refer you to others.
  • Promote Your Gigs: Use social media and other marketing channels to promote your Fiverr gigs. The more exposure you get, the more potential clients you can attract.
  • Offer Unique Services: Consider offering services that are in demand and have less competition. Finding a niche can help you command higher rates.
  • Level Up: Fiverr has a leveling system that rewards experienced and reliable freelancers with higher visibility and more perks. Work towards leveling up to increase your earnings potential.

Consideration For Buyers

Buyers using Fiverr should also take into account the fee structure to understand the overall cost of their projects. While buyers do not directly pay the same fees as freelancers, these fees can indirectly impact the total expenses associated with their projects. Let’s illustrate this with an example: Suppose you, as a buyer, hire a skilled freelancer for a project valued at $100. As a buyer, you’ll pay the entire $100 upfront. However, it’s important to realize that the freelancer will receive $78 after Fiverr deducts its service and processing fees

This means that as a buyer, you effectively cover not only the freelancer’s service fee but also the processing fee. While this may not directly affect your payment process, understanding that part of your payment contributes to covering these fees can provide insight into the full cost of your project. It’s an essential consideration for budgeting and evaluating the value you receive from the services offered on the Fiverr platform.

By being aware of how fees work on Fiverr, both freelancers and buyers can make informed decisions, ensuring transparency and clarity in their transactions. This knowledge empowers buyers to assess the true cost of their projects while appreciating the services provided by the talented freelancers on the platform.

The Importance Of Transparency

Transparency plays a pivotal role in the popularity and success of Fiverr as a freelancing platform. It’s a quality that benefits both freelancers and buyers alike and fosters trust within the Fiverr community. One of the key reasons why Fiverr stands out is its unwavering commitment to transparency regarding fees. When a freelancer receives an order request, they can readily see how much they’ll earn from completing that order before they even accept it. This transparency empowers freelancers to make informed decisions about whether a project aligns with their financial goals.

On the flip side, buyers also benefit from this transparency. When they browse through the vast array of services offered on Fiverr, they know the total cost upfront. There are no hidden or surprise fees, ensuring that buyers can budget effectively and make purchasing decisions with confidence. This transparency is a win-win for all parties involved. Freelancers can set their prices and manage their expectations based on the fees they will incur, while buyers can make well-informed choices about the services they want to purchase. Ultimately, it fosters a sense of fairness and integrity within the Fiverr ecosystem, contributing to its reputation as a reliable and trustworthy platform for freelancers and clients worldwide.


In the world of freelancing, Fiverr has become a powerhouse, connecting skilled individuals with those in need of their services. Understanding the fees and costs associated with using Fiverr is crucial for both sellers and buyers. Fiverr takes a 20% service fee, and a 2% processing fee (with a $1 minimum), and may charge withdrawal fees depending on your chosen payment method.

To optimize your earnings as a freelancer, consider these fees when pricing your services and implement strategies to attract more clients and increase your average order value. For buyers, knowing that Fiverr freelancers pay fees can help you understand the total cost of your project. In the end, Fiverr remains a fantastic platform for freelancers and buyers alike, offering a transparent and efficient marketplace for a wide range of services. So, whether you’re a freelancer looking to expand your clientele or a buyer seeking top-notch talent, Fiverr can be a win-win for all.

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