Successful Strategies To Protect Your Business From Cyberattacks

Successful Strategies To Protect Your Business From Cyberattacks

Almost every business is susceptible to cyberattacks, and if you’re not proactive in protecting your company, you could be left vulnerable. 

Here are some successful strategies to help keep your business safe from cybercrime. Implement a layered security approach, train employees on cybersecurity best practices, use secure passwords and ensure your software is up-to-date.

 Following these tips will help reduce your risk of falling victim to a cyberattack.

1. Use Express VPN To Protect Your Busines

You probably have remote workers if you’re a small or medium-sized business. Unless your employees use a secure network, hackers may target your firm. Smartphones and tablets make it easy to work on the go.

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Effective VPNs like ExpressVPN were initially established for large organizations and governments so remote employees could securely access the company’s network.

VPNs create a tunnel between a worker’s device and the company’s server, protecting it from hackers. In addition, it encrypts data, so it’s nearly impossible to decipher if stolen.

Is ExpressVPN safe to use for your business? Yes, it’s a renowned VPN brand that ought to protect businesses and individuals from threats. Hence, Incorporating this tool into workplace operations can be beneficial. 

2. Limit Access Of Your Business Data By Employees

You may reduce the possibility of human error by limiting access. For example, employees should only have access to the systems and data they need to do their duties.

If an employee leaves your company or moves to a different office site, take prompt precautions, including wiping accounts and passwords from all systems, gathering company ID cards, and obtaining entrance keys.

A pound of protection can equal an ounce of access restriction if you wish to limit the effects of a disgruntled ex-employee.

3. Invest In Data Backup And Encryption

Two important parts of preventing cybercrime are restricting physical access to confidential data and making that information useless if the wrong people access it. The second goal can be met if businesses always encrypt their data.

 Scholars from the International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications have discovered that the most effective way to deal with data breaches is to encrypt the data. Ensure you secure all sensitive information, like information about clients, employees, or the business itself. 

Today, almost all software packages include full-disk encryption technology that can encrypt all the data on an active desktop or laptop.

Ensure that this software is running on and updated on all company devices. Also, so that a computer isn’t left unattended for too long, it should be set to go into “sleep” or “lock” mode after five minutes of inactivity.

4. Protect Your Business With Security Solutions

Because they generally fail to recognize external dangers when they exist or have limited awareness of the standard business procedures that leave a company vulnerable to a cyber assault, employees are typically to blame for data breaches. 

For instance, only 20% of businesses in the UK offered employee training during the same 12-month period.

Although 43% of UK enterprises had experienced a cyber security breach or assault, according to the UK Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018, which the UK government and Portsmouth University conducted. These infractions were primarily seen in businesses where workers utilized their own devices to work,

5. Filter Your Emails And Web Traffic

Use email and web browser filters to prevent spam from overflowing employee inboxes and hackers from breaking into company networks. You can also use “blacklist” services to stop clients from visiting risky websites that might have malware.

Inform your personnel to avoid regularly utilizing social media or visiting websites that are associated with cybersecurity hazards, such as pornographic ones. 

Even while it might seem apparent, it just takes one individual to access the incorrect website and unwittingly download malware onto your business’s computers.

6. Protect Your Hardware With Security Software

The security of firm hardware is sometimes neglected to get the latest and most advanced cyber security software. However,  the loss or theft of equipment is a severe hazard that should not be ignored. 

Start your approach for preventing cyberattacks with the fundamentals: 

Protect all devices with a complex password that only the user knows, and memorize it instead of writing it down anywhere that is easily accessible. 

Don’t discount the value of physically mounting computers to workstations. This is a straightforward yet efficient method of stopping trespassers from making off with company property and its private information.

Install “locate my device” software on all mobile devices, including laptops, phones, and tablets. This allows law enforcement to find stolen equipment very fast.

7. Protect Your Business From Power Surges

In the event of a power outage, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can provide you with good battery life and time to save your data. Verify that the UPS type and size adhere to the norms and needs of your business.

Every connected device in your workplace should be connected to a UPS. In addition, standard surge protectors should be adequate for non-networked equipment and less sensitive electronics. As advised by the manufacturer, make sure to test and replace each UPS and surge protector.

8. Maximize Employee Training

Your best line of defense against threats to information security is a team of cyber-aware employees.

Each employee should be aware of:

  • What email usage is allowed for both personal and professional use
  • How to handle business information at home or in the workplace
  • What to do in the event of a cybersecurity incident

Every new employee should receive protection training and be required to sign your information policy. In addition, use newsletters or ongoing training to strengthen your cybersecurity culture.


Cyberattacks are a real and present danger to businesses of all sizes. However, there are steps that you can take to protect your business from these threats. 

Implementing the strategies outlined in this blog post will help you keep your data safe and secure. Are you doing everything you can to protect your business from cyberattacks? If not, now is the time to start.

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