In the tricky world of tax codes, there are lots of definitions to wrangle and forms to fill out. One of the most common face-offs is between W-2 workers and those on 1099 arrangements. The question, then, is how these distinct categories differ from one another and how this is...
About 40% of all small businesses pay close to $845 in tax penalties and fees for making mistakes on their taxes. Many of these mistakes are avoidable, but small business owners choose to do taxes themselves. If you’re in this boat, it’s time to hire an accountant. They’re experts in...
As an internal body, IRS always makes decisions, either positive or negative. IRS depends on every piece of information to offer in compromise. Suppose you have an offer in compromise that doesn't belong to you. The IRS will automatically deny you an offer in compromise, but there are several other...
The decision to specialize in tax or audit is one that many accounting professionals grapple with at some point in their careers. They are both critical services that accountants can provide to their clients.  Though they share some similarities, some key differences set them apart. And while both specialties have...
If you are a resident in California or plan to move there, then you are probably familiar with the sky-high vehicle registration fee over there. Registration fee is a lot for new residents and people who have been living in California for years alike. Now the question is, why is...
Fraud costs businesses and individuals across the world $5.127 trillion a year. There are many examples of fraud but a common one are fake pay stubs. Whether you’re a tenant or an employer, know what to look out for so you know these pay stubs are legitimate. Don’t know how to...
Several members of the billionaire Sackler family have recently come under fire in the United States. The family has already been under fire due to its ownership of Purdue Pharma, the company that created and marketed the infamous opioid drug, Oxycontin. Now they find themselves the target of serious...
Is the estate that you are about to come in possession of very valuable? If that is the case, then it might be subject to tax. It might appear to be a bit problematic and bothersome, but the faster you deal with it, the better. Fortunately, we are here to...
A tax lien is a law imposed on a property, and the government uses it to secure payment of taxes. It is the easiest way to maintain discipline among citizens and make them responsible. Many people question if one can purchase a house with a tax lien. Amazingly if the...
When corporations make plans to evade taxes, they rarely consider the impact that tax evasion has on both developed and developing nations. According to the Tax Justice Network, there is an estimate of between $21-$32 trillion that is associated with private wealth held offshore. The annual global losses...