The Big Business Of Mother’s Day In 2021

The Big Business Of Mother's Day In 2021

The holiday that focuses on celebrating our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and other women in our life is actually a huge reason why our economy functions. As with most holidays, the gifts and presents we give to our loved ones is part of the way we celebrate. Since we want to give our moms the best, Mother’s Day is a big business and one that is continuously expanding.

Moms Are Receiving More And More Love Per Year

In 2020, the average person spent over $200 per person on Mothers Day, which is significant considering the high amount of job losses during May of last year. What’s also shocking is that the amount of spending went up by $10 since 2019. It tracks that more and more people are giving their mothers more monetary love per year.

In 2005, people spent $11.5B collectively on their mothers, but by 2015 that number hit a high of $21.2B. That’s almost double what it was 10 years ago. As of 2020, $25 Billion was spent on our mothers. It’s possible that spending will continue to climb as more women become mothers and inflation continues to be a factor.

What Are People Buying For Their Moms?

The 3 most popular gifts given to mothers during Mother’s Day are greeting cards, flowers from rose delivery, and social outings. Most gift-givers will purchase all three for their mothers at once. Some other popular gifts include clothing, electronics, jewelry, personal services, housewares, books or CDs, and gift cards. With over 84.5% celebrating the holiday, there are a lot of gifts to go around.

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Mother’s Day is the #1 holiday for floral sales, beating Valentine’s Day by a wide margin. In fact, Americans are expected to spend 2.4 Billion dollars on floral arrangements alone during this holiday. Plenty of blooming startups make the bulk of their money during this holiday, especially if they offer delivery for their bouquets.

Digital Marketing For Mother’s Day

There are over 85.4 million mothers in the United States alone, but it isn’t just Mothers that receive gifts for this holiday. Wives, daughters, sisters, godmothers, friends, grandmothers, and other relatives also receive gifts during this time. With that said, this commonly celebrated holiday has a broad market to capture, which can be positive and negative.

Since many people buy gifts for Mother’s Day, it isn’t difficult to sell during this time. What is difficult is capturing attention when everyone else is competing in this space. Most shoppers do targeted searches online by searching for specific flowers or brands. On top of that, the vast majority of shoppers purchase gifts a week ahead of the date.

How Marketers Capitalize On Last Minute Shoppers

Mother’s Day attention doesn’t start to grow until the last week before the day, so it’s important for all retailers to reserve a budget for the last initial push. You may also notice targeted ads during the last few days before the holiday or even generated content that takes you from the site you’re already on (social media) to another business website.

Pinterest and Instagram really capitalize during Mother’s Day. Out of 65% of the over 250 keywords, Pinterest holds 1 to 5 on search engines for targeted pins. Influential mom bloggers tend to kick in into overdrive by offering yummy recipes, curated gifts, and last-minute crafts that will impress your mother as long as they’re made with love.

Giveaways on Instagram pop up in May that not only target gift-givers but Mother’s as well. Sales are common for jewelry retailers, while subscription services may offer a free month to capitalize on people who have a difficult time buying gifts for others.

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