Making Money In The Information Age

Making Money In The Information Age


As far as we can date back, people from different societies always needed some form of exchange in order to survive. Now more so than ever, as the world has become further intertwined and digitally connected, we are highly reliant on trading with various types of currencies, regardless if we are speaking of fiat or cryptocurrencies. In this article, we will discuss different ways of how you can make your money grow in this modern-day and age, no matter how impossible things may seem.

Unemployment Rate On The Rise

As the population grows and technology advances, it seems that jobs have been getting harder and harder to get by. The unemployment rate around the world was already at 5.4% (around 415 million people), which is just a little bit of a difference from the recession 10 years ago, where the global unemployment rate was at 6%. And while we have not reached the end of 2020 to know the specific data, considering the effect that the COVID-19 pandemic had for everyone everywhere may show a significant rise in job loss. Thus, leaving more people in need of money.

Top 3 Ways To Make Money

While we struggle to pay for our bills day by day, it is highly possible to find ways not just to survive but also to make a good income. Here is a guide on some ideas for you to consider in order to make that money grow:

1. Invest in Cryptocurrency

There are several platforms and online tutorials on how you can start investing in cryptocurrency. Just make sure that when you file taxes, you work with a professional or use a service that has knowledge about taxation on crypto investments. As stated, even if the industry is still in its initial stages, there is a lot of room to start earning. One way you can start is to invest in cryptocurrency for the long-term in order to get a better value on the market share after a period of time.

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It is best to do this with established coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum as even if new coins may be cheap, they are at a higher risk than more established cryptos as they might disappear in a few years. You can also try to trade cryptocurrencies, but extensive research, knowledge, skills, time, and energy are essential.

You can learn how to make money with cryptocurrency and try which strategy is the most suitable for you.

2. Online Tutoring

Take advantage of your native linguistic skills by teaching kids online to speak in your language. It is important to note that there are usually more opportunities for native English speakers as they are often the ones most sought after for Chinese, Korean, and Japanese kids to learn English.

Online tutoring may also be getting into an industry that fits into the “new normal” as more people continue to stay at home. You can also try teaching in a specific field that you are an expert at, however, it may be important to have suitable credentials such as a degree.

3. Get a Part-Time Job or Start Freelancing

Getting a part-time job can be lucrative in terms of getting money in the short-term and gaining any necessary experience in a particular field. There are many job-seeking websites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or Monster for you to seek out possible opportunities. If it is a little difficult in your area to get a part-time job, aiming for freelance work such as graphic designing, transcribing, or writing can get you different clients in any part of the world. Thus, building a more robust portfolio on your end.

Top 3 Popular Occupations Today

Before we get into ways in which we can generate some cash, here is a list of the 5 most common occupations worldwide and how much you are able to earn from each. Do note however that this is a general list based on worldwide statistics but may vary from location to location

1. Blockchain Developer

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have grown exponentially and are being more widely accepted worldwide. Up until a few years ago, Bitcoin did not even exist, so with its creation comes more opportunities to get more jobs. This will include bitcoin miners, developers, and legislators. Since it is also a new form of the way we exchange in currencies, many individuals have also started to invest in numerous cryptocurrencies. The average amount of money a Bitcoin Developer makes is approximately $103,319 per year.

2. Digital Creator

With the increase of internet usage, many forms of jobs related to content creation have sprung up. This can come in the form of being an “influencer” or even working in social media and marketing, especially because videos are considered to be the most engaging form of media. Videos grab users’ attention and can have a call-to-action all in a span of a few seconds or minutes. The average base pay of a digital creator is at $49,144 per year.

3. Medical Professional

We will probably never run out of the need for medical professionals. Especially during this pandemic, those working in the medical field have been the life savers of the entire world. Even before this time, taking up medicine has always been a top career choice and quite profitable job out there, from nurses to surgeons to anesthesiologists. Salaries may range depending on the specific course of healthcare that is undertaken. For example, a pharmacist may make up to $123,670 per year, while an orthodontist can make $225,760 per year. Should you choose this career path, there are flexible and efficient online courses you can attend to get valuable life-saving skills. A cpr and first aid certification could be a great start towards a nursing career. 

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