Thinking Of Selling Your Home? Here’s 8 Ways To Boost Property Value

Thinking Of Selling Your Home

Most people know that investing in a property— whether you’re going to live in it or not— is one of the best investments you can make. This is because real estate almost always increases in value. However, there are a few things that you can do to ensure that your home’s property value will increase. Here are eight ways to boost your home’s value before you list.

Spruce Up The Inside Of Your Home

Kitchen Functionality

The bathroom is the second most important room in a home, but the kitchen is the most important. It’s where many family gatherings and experiences take place— so it’s the heart of the home. Because of this, kitchen renovations easily increase property value as well. 

One idea is to convert your kitchen bar into a multifunctional island that includes a sink and/or cooking area. These days, style and functionality go hand-in-hand, so a multifunctional island can give you a place to sit and eat, a place to wash and prepare your produce, and maybe even a place to bake yummy treats.

Bathroom Renovation

Bathrooms are probably the second most important room in a home when it comes to property value. While the number of bathrooms in a home is an important feature, so is the actual design and features each bathroom has to offer. This is while most bathroom renovations have a 60-100% return on investment. Just make sure that the renovations include improvements that are guaranteed to increase property value.

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Energy Efficiency

The majority of people have made the transition from energy guzzling appliances to energy efficient appliances, and so you’ll want to make sure that your home is as energy efficient as possible. Some examples of energy efficiency features include:

  • Insulated vinyl siding
  • Metal roofing
  • Smart thermostat
  • Smart toilets
  • Solar panels
  • Vinyl windows

Upgrades to a home that saves electricity and water lower utility bills, which is very appealing to potential home buyers. It’s also a good idea to invest in energy saving appliances, such as a refrigerator and an oven.

Finish a Room

Do you have a basement in your home? Instead of keeping it as your storage space, consider finishing it and turning it into an extra bedroom or an entire mini living space— depending on the size of your basement. This adds extra square footage to your home and more space equals a higher selling price.

If you don’t have a basement, look into finishing your attic. Keep in mind that not all attic spaces will be able to be converted into an extra living space, but you can contact a contractor to see if this is possible for your home. This also adds extra square footage.

Don’t Forget The Outside Of Your Home

The outside of your home is the first thing that’s seen when approaching, so it’s important that your curb appeal grabs the attention of potential buyers. Here are four improvements you can make to the outside of your home.

Backyard Oasis

Though the front yard is what may be seen first, this doesn’t mean that you should neglect your backyard. In fact, many backyards are becoming an extension of the heart of the home: the kitchen. A backyard renovation complete with a patio that offers plenty of seating, a fire pit/grill/stove, and maybe even a pergola and a pool.

Garage Door, Siding, and Roof Replacement

Your garage door, siding, and roof all need to be replaced after a few years. Garage doors that aren’t damaged need to be replaced around every 15 years, while asphalt roofs need to be replaced every 20-25 years. As for siding, it can last up to 40 years— but anything that’s damaged should be replaced immediately. Keep in mind that if you’re replacing your roof you might want to consider adding a solar panel system at this time. Recent reports show that homes with solar panels are being sold for much higher prices.


Strategic landscaping can really draw more attention to your home. Landscaping can be as simple as mowing and watering the lawn regularly and planting a few flowers and shrubs, or you can call a professional landscaping company to highlight your paths and walkways.

Power Wash And Paint Job

Finally, don’t forget to clean the outside of your home. Because your home is literally outside, it gets dirt and debris buildup that needs to be washed away. Oftentimes, many homeowners find that their house doesn’t need a new paint job— it just needs a good power wash.

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However, a new paint job after a power wash can also freshen up your home. You can also touch up a few things like the front door, window shutters, and the mailbox.

Before making any major changes to a home you’re wanting to sell, check to make sure that certain upgrades will actually increase property value in your area. For example, pools don’t always increase property value depending on where you live, and some neighborhoods only allow a certain amount of home improvements before property value remains stagnant.

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